
Seek peace, and pursue it.

Data Science MS Program

I serve as director of the interdisciplinary Masters Program in Data Science at UConn.

About Me

I am a number theorist and have worked on a range of problems related to elliptic curves, modular forms, p-adic L-functions, and p-adic analytic geometry.  I am proudest of my work with Peter Schneider on analytic and continuous representations of p-adic groups.

I am currently interested in bioinformatics, unsupervised learning (esp clustering), and in mathematical questions in machine learning. My current work is described more thoroughly at my github pages website.

My recent talks are available at this GitHub repository

I am a Certified Instructor for The Software Carpentries.


Fall 2024

I am teaching Grad 5100: Fundamentals of Data Science.

I am teaching Math 221Q, Introduction to Linear Algebra.

Fall 2023

I am teaching Grad 5100: Fundamentals of Data Science, the new introductory course in the MS program in Data Science.

I am teaching Math 3230, Abstract Algebra. The course materials are available here.

Spring 2023

I taught Math 5211, the second semester graduate algebra course, as well as another round of Math 3094, the Mathematics of Machine Learning.

Notes for the machine learning course (in *rough draft form*) are available here.

Fall 2022

I taught Math 5210, the first semester graduate algebra course. Here is the course home page.

Online Course Materials

During the pandemic I developed fairly complete online notes and video lectures for:

Past Life

I served as Dean of UConn’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences from 2008 through 2017 and as interim Provost of the University from February 2017 until April 1, 2018.

Contact Info

Department of Mathematics U-1009
Monteith Hall 231
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT 06269-1009
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